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About  Betty Greene:


I design gardens with the idea of inspiring people to live more fully on their own properties, caring for and enjoying the land as a special part of their lives.


My interest began as a young artist living next to a dairy farm in Old Deerfield, Mass where I had my first vegetable/flower garden. I found out quickly how important being close to the earth and involved with plants is for me.


Since that time I have been unstoppable in my desire to learn about and play with plants. As a designer and environmentalist it is a pleasure to combine the different disciplines when meeting the needs of my clients. This includes foundation plantings, hardscape plans, vegetable gardens, perennial gardens as well as full scale property design.


My formal studies were all in fine arts from Mass College of Art and UMass Amherst. I majored in Painting for my undergraduate program and Ceramics for my graduate work. Both have served me well because I see garden design as a form of three-dimensional painting! Combined with my love of nature, this made it very easy to segue into using plants as an 'art medium'. I have self-studied plants through books, greenhouse work, using them in my own gardens and asking other gardeners or nursery staff about their exeriences, a wealth of knowledge!


It is always a secret goal to help others get even half as excited as I am about plants, nature and gardens....Life!












I have been partnered with Kennedy's Country Gardens in Scituate MA for over twenty years, as their referral designer. It is wonderful arrangement as I am always confident that the clients I meet through them already know what good quality plants they sell and how expert and considerate their staff is.

​             781-545-1266


From Chris Kennedy:                      Owner, Kennedy's Country Gardens

"Kennedy's Country Gardens partnered with Betty Greene after I met her in our parking lot and having a great first conversation. Since that day I have trusted Betty with our clients. She has the ability to walk their property and answer simple and complex landscape questions. Betty is not a designer that approaches the property with a mindset that it is my way or the highway. She listens to the customer, encourages their feedback and then goes about offering sound solutions to their design challenges. Betty has a terrific eye and knows her plants. She has the talent and ability to draw plans for walls, walks, patios, outdoor kitchens, driveways and more. She draws professional looking, but practical landscape plans for our clients no matter what the budget. Our customers love working with her. She can work with all types of personalities because of her easy way. I recommend her highly for your next landscape design project."

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